Providing quick access to ready-to-use Big Data solutions

Because Big Data doesn't have to be complicated

Javier Cacheiro / Cloudera Certified Developer for Spark & Hadoop / @javicacheiro

Big Data


3Vs of Big Data


The importance of data

We don’t have better algorithms.
We just have more data.

Peter Norvig, Google's Research Director

Big Data

Important concepts

Vertical Scaling

Horizontal Scaling

Data Centric

Compute centric: bring the data to the computation

Data centric: bring the computation to the data

MPI Shortcomings

Jonathan Dursi: HPC is dying, and MPI is killing it

  • Wrong level of abstraction for application writers
  • No fault-tolerance



Hardware Infrastructure

  • 38 nodes: 4 masters + 34 slaves
  • Storage capacity 816TB
  • Aggregated I/O throughtput 30GB/s
  • 64GB RAM per node
  • 10GbE connectivity between all nodes

Hardware Master Nodes

  • Model: Lenovo System x3550 M5
  • CPU: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
  • Cores: 12 (2x6)
  • HyperThreading: On (24 threads)
  • Total memory: 64GB
  • Network: 1x10Gbps + 2x1Gbps
  • Disks: 8x 480GB SSD SATA 2.5" MLC G3HS
  • Controller: ServeRAID M5210 1GB Cache FastPath

Hardware Slave Nodes

  • Modelo: Lenovo System x3650 M5
  • CPU: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
  • Cores: 12 (2x6)
  • HyperThreading: On (24 threads)
  • Total memory: 64GB
  • Network: 1x10Gbps + 2x1Gbps
  • Disks: 12x 2TB NL SATA 6Gbps 3.5" G2HS
  • Controller: N2215 SAS/SATA HBA



Platforms available

  • Hadoop Platform
  • PaaS Platform (beta)

Hadoop Platform

  • Ready to use Hadoop ecosystem
  • Covers most of the uses cases
  • Production ready
  • Fully optimized for Big Data applications

PaaS Platform

  • When you need something outside the Hadoop ecosystem
  • Enables you to deploy custom Big Data clusters
  • Advanced resource planning based on Mesos
  • No virtualization overheads: based on Docker
  • Includes a catalog of products ready to use: eg. Cassandra, MongoDB, PostgreSQL


Front Page

General info

Tools available



Accessing Hadoop 3 Service



The VPN software allows you not only to connect to CESGA in a secure way but also to access internal resources that you can not reach otherwise.

Installing the Forticlient VPN software

Forticlient Configuration

  • Enter the following configuration options
  • Gateway:
    Port: 443
    Username: your email address registered at CESGA
    Password: your password in the supercomputers

VPN Installation in old Linux versions

  • If your Linux distribution is not supported in the official download page use our CESGA Local Repository
  • Follow the next steps:
  • unrar e vpn-fortissl.rar
    tar xvzf forticlientsslvpn_linux_4.4.2323.tar.gz
    cd forticlientsslvpn
    Accept the license agreement presented
    ../forticlientsslvpn_cli \
       --server \

Alternative Open Source Linux Client OpenFortiVPN

  • For Linux there is also an alternative open-source client that you can use instead of the official fortivpn client
  • Some Linux distibutions like Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuse or Arch Linux provide openfortivpn packages
  • Check the project github page for details openfortivpn
  • It has also a GUI that you can use: openfortigui

For more info check the VPN section of the User Guide

How to connect

How to connect: Setup

  1. Configure the Fortigate VPN
  2. Start the VPN

How to connect: SSH

Using a powerful CLI through SSH:


How to connect: WebUI

Using a simple Web User Interface

How to connect: Remote Desktop

No VPN needed if connecting from a Remote Desktop

How to transfer data

How to transfer data efficiently

Use our dedicated Data Transfer Node:

SCP/SFTP is fine for small transfers

But for large transfers use Globus

Our endpoint is cesga#dtn

For more info check the DTN User Guide

Expected upload times

How to transfer data: non-efficient way

Direct SCP/SFTP to

Useful only for internal transfers: eg. FT to BD

Not recommended for external transfers because it will be slowed down by the VPN server and the firewall

Filesystem Quotas

  • HOMEBD and HDFS have quotas
  • To check current usage you can use the command:
  • myquota
  • Verify that you have enough space before transfering files or submitting jobs

Default Filesystem Quotas


  • HDFS: 18TB
  • HOMEBD: 800GB

If you need additional space you can request Additional Storage

Backup policies

HDFS and HOMEBD do not have automatic backups configured

Only HOME FT has automatic daily backups

If you need to backup data in HDFS or HOMEBD contact us

Migrating Data from Hadoop 2

We recommend that you use the discp tool

hadoop distcp -i -pat -update hdfs:// hdfs://nameservice1/user/uscfajlc/wcresult

Run it from so it takes into account HA


Core Concepts

Core Components

  • HDFS: Parallel filesystem
  • YARN: Resource manager



The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem

HDFS Architecture

HDFS Replicas

Upload a file to HDFS

To upload a file from local disk to HDFS:

hdfs dfs -put file.txt file.txt

It will copy the file to /user/username/file.txt in HDFS.

List files

To list files in HDFS:

hdfs dfs -ls

Lists the files in our HOME directory of HDFS /user/username/

To list files in the root directory:

hdfs dfs -ls /

Working with directories

Create a directory:

hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp/test

Delete a directory:

hdfs dfs -rm -r -f /tmp/test

Working with files

Read a file:

hdfs dfs -cat file.txt

Download a file from HDFS to local disk:

hdfs dfs -get fichero.txt

Web File Explorer

You can easily access the HUE File Explorer from the WebUI:


Yet Another Resource Negotiator

YARN Architecture

Launching an application

yarn jar application.jar DriverClass input output

List running jobs

yarn application -list
yarn top

See application logs

yarn logs -applicationId applicationId

Kill an application

yarn application -kill applicationId

Fair Scheduler

  • Resources will be shared with the rest of users using the YARN fair share scheduler
  • Dominant Resource Fairness: both CPU and memory considered
  • Jobs should be composed of lots of short running tasks so they share resources nicely with other jobs
  • Long running tasks that monopolize resources during large times can be preempted to allow other applications to run

Fair Scheduler Queues

  • root.users.[username]: default queue, one per user
  • interactive: Jupyter Notebooks and interactive jobs
  • urgent: limited resources that can be used for urgent jobs

Web Job Browser

You can access the HUE Job Browser from the WebUI:

Provided Tools


A fast and general engine for large-scale data processing




Language Selection

  • Scala
  • Java
  • Python
  • R

Updated to Spark 2.4

Now the main entry point is spark instead of sc and sqlContext

Spark Python


PySpark Basics

  • Can be used together with Anaconda Python distribution
  • Over 720 packages for data preparation, data analysis, data visualization, machine learning and interactive data science

Running pyspark interactively

  • Running from the command line:
  • Running from the command line using ipython:
                  module load anaconda2
                  PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=ipython pyspark
  • Running inside a Jupyter notebook


          from pyspark.sql import Row
          Person = Row('name', 'surname')
          data = []
          data.append(Person('Joe', 'MacMillan'))
          data.append(Person('Gordon', 'Clark'))
          data.append(Person('Cameron', 'Howe'))
          df = spark.createDataFrame(data)

           |   name|  surname|
           |    Joe|MacMillan|
           | Gordon|    Clark|
           |Cameron|     Howe|


Submit job to queue

Spark Components

spark-submit Python

        # client mode
        spark-submit --master yarn \
          --name testWC input output
        # cluster mode
        spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \
          --name testWC input output

spark-submit Scala/Java

        # client mode
        spark-submit --master yarn --name testWC \
          --class es.cesga.hadoop.Test test.jar \
          input output
        # cluster mode
        spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \
          --name testWC \
          --class es.cesga.hadoop.Test test.jar \
          input output

spark-submit options

--num-executors NUM    Number of executors to launch (Default: 2)
--executor-cores NUM   Number of cores per executor. (Default: 1)
--driver-cores NUM     Number of cores for driver (cluster mode)
--executor-memory MEM  Memory per executor (Default: 1G)
--queue QUEUE_NAME     The YARN queue to submit to (Default: "default")
--proxy-user NAME      User to impersonate


Interactive Computing


The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.

Launching Jupyter

  • Connect to
  • Go to your working directory
  • Launch the Jupyter server
  • Point your browser to the provided URL
  • VPN must be running if not using a remote desktop


Using Python 3

You can also use Jupyter with Python 3:

          module load anaconda3/2018.12

Just load the desired python version first

Keep in mind that CDH 6.1 does not officially support Python 3 yet


You can also try the new Jupyter Lab:

          module load anaconda2/2018.12




SQL-like interface


Hive offers the possibility to use Hadoop through a SQL-like interface

Using Hive: HUE

You can use Hive from the WebUI through HUE:

Using Hive: Beeline

beeline> !connect 

Using Hive: deprecated

The Hive CLI is not deprecated and not recommended:


Field delimitter

  • Default field delimitter Ctr+A (0x01)
  • It can be changed when creating a table
                ROW FORMAT DELIMITED
                FIELDS TERMINATED BY ':'

Important Considerations

  • Do not create tables in the default database
  • Create a database with your username and then create your tables in this database
              create database if not exists uscfajlc;
              use uscfajlc;

Important Considerations

  • To restrict access to your database set permissions of the directory:
  • hdfs dfs -chmod go-rwx /user/hive/warehouse/uscfajlc.db
  • Use always external tables that are stored in your HDFS HOME
  • Customize the permissions of the external directory
  • Use HDFS ACLs to fine tune the permissions to further fit your needs


Low-latency SQL queries


impala-shell --ssl --impalad=c14-2

Point it to any worker node in the cluster


Hive and Impala use the same SQL syntax HiveQL


Transferring data between Hadoop and relational databases


List tables

        sqoop list-tables \
          --username ${USER} -P \
          --connect jdbc:postgresql://${SERVER}/${DB}

Import one table

        sqoop import \
          --username ${USER} --password ${PASSWORD} \
          --connect jdbc:postgresql://${SERVER}/${DB} \
          --table mytable \
          --target-dir /user/username/mytable \
          --num-mappers 1

Import into Hive

        sqoop import \
          --username ${USER} --password ${PASSWORD} \
          --connect jdbc:postgresql://${SERVER}/${DB} \
          --table mytable \
          --target-dir /user/username/mytable \
          --num-mappers 1 \

Create only the table structure into Hive

        sqoop create-hive-table \
          --username ${USER} --password ${PASSWORD} \
          --connect jdbc:postgresql://${SERVER}/${DB} \
          --table mytable

Sqoop Export


First create table into PostgreSQL

        sqoop export \
          --username ${USER} --password ${PASSWORD} \
          --connect jdbc:postgresql://${SERVER}/${DB} \
          --table mytable \
          --export-dir /user/username/mytable \
          --input-fields-terminated-by '\001' \
          --num-mappers 1

Direct mode

For MySQL and PosgreSQL for faster performance you can use direct mode (--direct option)


R interface for Apache Spark

  • Connect to Spark from R.
  • Complete dplyr backend.
  • Filter and aggregate Spark datasets then bring them into R for analysis and visualization.
  • Use Spark’s distributed machine learning library from R.
  • Work with data stored on HDFS

Getting started

  • Activate your vpn and connect to
  • Sparklyr is available as a module, it's based on an anaconda2 distribution. You can load it typing
    module load sparklyr
  • The module includes python 2.7, R 3.1.5, sparklyr 1.0.5, and all its dependencies installed
  • Start R by typing R

Connecting R to a spark session

  • Load the package
     > library(sparklyr)
  • Define a spark connection
     > sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn-client", spark_home = Sys.getenv('SPARK_HOME'))
  • Use the sc connection to use spark from R
  • Close the connection:
     > spark_disconnect(sc)

More options

  • Use Jupyter Notebooks
  • Launch R scripts
    spark-submit --class sparklyr.Shell '/opt/cesga/anaconda/Anaconda2-2018.12-sparklyr/lib/R/library/sparklyr/java/sparklyr-2.4-2.11.jar' 8880 1234 --batch example_sparklyr_script.R

Remember to disconnect sessions and properly shut down Jupyter Notebook servers.

More info


Genome Analysis Toolkit

How to use

gatk is available as a module on

module load gatk

More info on how to use modules on the modules tutorial

Using SPARK tools

gatk uses hdfs when you launch a SPARK tool, check the hdfs tutorial for instructions.

gatk only supports SPARK on some tools, SPARK tools always end with Spark. Check the tool list here.

gatk ToolName toolArguments -- --spark-runner SPARK --spark-master yarn additionalSparkArguments

additionalSparkArguments can be used if a gatk job needs access to more resources, SPARK tutorial


gatk HaplotypeCallerSpark -L 1:1000000-2000000 -R hdfs://nameservice1/user/username/ref.fa -I hdfs://nameservice1/user/username/input.bam -O hdfs://nameservice1/user/username/output.vcf -- --spark-runner SPARK --spark-master yarn --driver-memory 4g --executor-memory 4g
gatk CalcMetadataSpark -I  hdfs://nameservice1/user/username/input.bam -O  hdfs://nameservice1/user/username/statistics.txt -- --spark-runner SPARK --spark-master yarn

Non SPARK tools

You can use standard gatk tools on for testing but its not recommended

For this use case, gatk is also available on the finisterrae for faster execution.

More documentation


When you need something outside the Hadoop ecosystem.

  • Deploy custom Big Data clusters.
  • Try out a variety of products
  • Built on docker
  • Easy to use


The PaaS service is intended to test, learn and develop using the products offered, not for continuous use.

Clusters must be destroyed when not needed anymore.

Clusters are designed for flexibility, if you need to use any of the products permanently, on a production environment, contact us for a custom solution.

How to use

Access the WebUI and log in.

In the menu o the left click on PaaS and then on Products to se the available products

Select a product and click on LAUNCH

Specify the resources that you need

The Clusters page

Here you can get information on the clusters you launched

Destroy the clusters when they are no longer needed


The Hadoop Database


All PaaS products should only be used for testing and developing purposes.

Destroy the clusters when you no longer need them, do not saturate the service.

Creating an Hbase instance

Launch an HBASE Cluster through the webUI and get the Network Address

Add the Network Address to your /etc/hosts


Activate the vpn and test the connection

              ping hbase_node0

How to use

Using Python

You can use happybase. There is a 'test' table you can use to verify everything works:

      import happybase
      connection = happybase.Connection(host='')
      test = connection.table('test')
      for k, d in test.scan(): print k, d

Using Java

To connect using java you can use our Sample Java HBaseclient and modify the hbase.zookeeper.quorum to reflect the right IP of your instance

The example App can be built using maven

                  mvn package
                  java -jar target/hbaseclient-0.1.0.jar



All PaaS products should only be used for testing and developing purposes.

Destroy the clusters when you no longer need them, do not saturate the service.

How to launch

Activate your VPN and connect to the webUI.

Go to PaaS > Products and launch a MongoDB cluster.

Select the resources you need.

For testing the product use only 1 CPU to save up on resources

Connect to the cluster

When cluster status is ready click on show info and copy the IPs provided.

    • You can use the IP beginning with 10.112.XXX.XXX to connect from your computer providing your VPN is active.
      You can also conect to 10.117.XXX.XXX (faster connection) but only from a machine at CESGA, like
  • Examples

    Form your computer:

    mongo --host

    Form or

    mongo --host



    All PaaS products should only be used for testing and developing purposes.

    Destroy the clusters when you no longer need them, do not saturate the service.

    How to launch

    Activate your VPN and connect to the webUI.

    Go to PaaS > Products and launch a Cassandra cluster.

    Select the resources you need. Minimun 3 nodes (an odd number is recommented) and 2 disks per node (Max 11 disks)

    For testing the product use the minimun resources possible

    Connect to the cluster

    When cluster status is ready click on show info and copy the IPs provided for the "cassandranode0"

    • You can use the IP beginning with 10.112.XXX.XXX to connect from your computer providing your VPN is active.
      You can also conect to 10.117.XXX.XXX (faster connection) but only from a machine at CESGA, like
  • You can access through cqlsh or use any other application, like python


    Form your computer:


    Form or




    All PaaS products should only be used for testing and developing purposes.

    Destroy the clusters when you no longer need them, do not saturate the service.

    How to launch

    Activate your VPN and connect to the webUI.

    Go to PaaS > Products and launch a MariaDB cluster.

    Select the resources you need and provide a numeric password.

    For testing the product use only 1 CPU to save up on resources

    Connect to the cluster

    When cluster status is ready click on show info and copy the IPs provided.

    • You can use the IP beginning with 10.112.XXX.XXX to connect from your computer providing your VPN is active.
      You can also conect to 10.117.XXX.XXX (faster connection) but only from a machine at CESGA, like
  • Examples

    Form your computer:

    mysql -u root -p -h

    Form or

    mysql -u root -p -h



    All PaaS products should only be used for testing and developing purposes.

    Destroy the clusters when you no longer need them, do not saturate the service.

    How to launch

    Activate your VPN and connect to the webUI.

    Go to PaaS > Products and launch a PostgreSQL cluster, selecting your preferred version.

    Select the resources you need and provide a numeric password.

    For testing the product use only 1 CPU to save up on resources

    Connect to the cluster

    When cluster status is ready click on show info and copy the IPs provided.

    • You can use the IP beginning with 10.112.XXX.XXX to connect from your computer providing your VPN is active.
      You can also conect to 10.117.XXX.XXX (faster connection) but only from a machine at CESGA, like
  • You need to connect as user postgresql and to the database test

    You will then be asked for your numeric password

    After initial connection you can create other databases using create database <databasename>

    Examples using psql

    Form your computer:

    psql -h -U postgresql test

    Form or

    psql -h -U postgresql test 

    Using the postgresql spatiotemporal product

    This product includes 2 of the most popular extensions for managing time series and spatial data

    After launching the product, the process of setting up and conecting is the same

    In order to use the extensions, load them first in your db



    Additional Software Versions

    Choosing software versions

    module available


    We recommend that you use the Anaconda version of Python instead of the OS one

    module load anaconda2/2018.12

    Even you can try Python 3 (not officially supported)

    module load anaconda3/2018.12

    Build tools

    You can load the following build tools

    • maven
    • sbt

    Technology Selection

    Where to get additional information


    User Guide

    DTN User Guide

    Official Documentation

    Cloudera Official Documentation:

    Reference Documentation for each component:

    Upcoming courses

    • Spark Course: covering pyspark and sparklyr
    • Additional courses (Hive, HBase, Kafka, Flume, Sqoop): depending on your interests

    Documentation Pack

    We have prepared a documentation pack including today's slides as well as all related material:


    Big Data is a multi-disciplinary domain.

    Collaboration is a key factor in Big Data projects.

    Tell us your project and we will help you:

    Extra Material



    MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.


    Launching a job

    To launch a job:

    yarn jar job.jar DriverClass input output

    List MR jobs

    To list running MR jobs:

    mapred job -list

    Cancelling a job

    To cancel a job:

    mapred job -kill [jobid]


    You can easily monitor your jobs using the YARN UI from the WebUI:

    Job History

    You can see finished jobs using the MR2 UI from the WebUI:

    MapReduce for Java developers

    Development Environment Setup

    • For a sample Maven-based project use:
      git clone
    • Import the project in Eclipse using m2e or in Intellij
    • If using an IDE like Eclipse or Intellij it can be useful to:
                    # Download sources and javadoc
                    mvn dependency:sources
                    mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc
                    # Update the existing Eclipse project
                    mvn eclipse:eclipse
                    # Or if you using Intellij IDEA
                    mvn idea:idea

    Maven Basic Usage


    mvn compile

    Run the tests

    mvn test

    Package your app

    mvn package

    Manual Process

    If you prefer to compile and package manually:

                javac -classpath $(hadoop classpath) *.java
                jar cvf wordcount.jar *.class

    MapReduce Program

    Basic components of a program:

    • Driver: management code for the job or sequence of jobs
    • map function of the Mapper
    • reduce function of the Reducer

    Driver Code

    public class Driver {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
        job.setJobName("Word Count");
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(args[0]));
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1]));    
        boolean success = job.waitForCompletion(true);
        System.exit(success ? 0 : 1);

    Map Code

    public class WordMapper
        extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> {
    	private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
    	private Text word = new Text();
    	public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)
    			throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    		String line = value.toString();
    		for (String field : line.split("\\W+")) {
    			if (field.length() > 0) {
    				context.write(word, one);

    Reduce Code

    public class SumReducer
      extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> {
    	public void reduce(
                Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context)
    			throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    		int wordCount = 0;
    		for (IntWritable value : values) {
    			wordCount += value.get();
    		context.write(key, new IntWritable(wordCount));

    MapReduce Streaming API

    Quick how-to

    • We write two separated scripts: Mapper y Reducer
    • The Mapper script will receive as stdin the file line by line
    • The stdout of the Mapper and Reducer must be key-value pairs separated by a tab


    yarn jar \
        /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-streaming.jar \
        -input input -output output \
        -mapper -reducer \
        -file -file


    Improving the performance


    Low-level routines for performing common linear algebra operations


    Adds support to Python for fast operations with multi-dimensional arrays and matrices

    Already configured to use Intel MKL

    Storage Formats

    Success Stories

    Gaia (UDC)

    FilmYou (CITIC)